I thought for sure I'd be 28 and pregnant. Hell, I'll be honest, I imagined being 26 and pregnant. As the days from the calendar peel away and fall to the floor, so do my unused eggs. Haha, is that too dramatic? No, but for realsies, as my birthday came and went this month, I swear I heard some of my eggs blow away in the wind as I blew out the candles on the cake. 2014 is creeping in I am sickened by the fact that I will be babyless AGAIN this coming May on Mother's Day. It really has to work this next time or I'll be babyless the whole friggin' next calendar year. Dare I turn the big 3-0 and still not be a mommy? I can't stomach the thought.
Eddie and I went to see his wrestling team wrestle last Saturday. One of his teammates has a girlfriend and we usually sit next to each other. We routinely buy ourselves glasses of wine(schorle) and watch our men toss other men around in extremely tight uniforms. It's quite amusing, to say the least. Well, the one weekend in October I told her that this might be my last glass of wine for the season because I was going in for the procedure the next day. We cheers'ed and sipped away! I saw her again some weekends after that and, at that time, I already knew the embryos didn't take. I saw her sitting next to an empty seat, that I assumed she had saved for me, and felt a feeling of dread come over me. Soon I would have to retell the story and explain it all to her...but no, she didn't ask. At first I was relieved but then I was like "WTF, I shared something kinda big with you and you don't even care for an update? Psht, whatevs!" In her defense, maybe she figured I would share when I was ready?
I saw her again last weekend and this time she remembered to ask. I told her it didn't work and added "but it will next time!" to not be such a Debbie Downer and ruin the mood. My negativeness just didn't match the mood of the screaming fans around us. She told me "Aw, I thought we could come to the matches together next year with strollers. I'm pregnant!"...
...you know how in another blog I described this as God striking a loud rim shot on the drums? No, this time it was like God took a big, stinky fish (you know, the kind they're always throwing around at fish markets in Seattle somewhere) by the tail and smacked me across the face with it. "Ouch, God," as I rub my cheek, "that one hurt! Didn't see it coming at all!" I wish I had a picture of what my face looked like. Was it pale? Did I flush? Or have I finally perfected the look of joy for others while swallowing and suppressing my own pain? I pray for the latter. I hugged her...maybe a little too tight and a little too long. I pulled back, while still having a grip on her shoulders, looked her in the eye and gave her my sincerest congrats and well wishes. Then I hugged her again. I don't know if it was because I was afraid the look on my face was changing and I didn't want her to see but she said that I won for the "Best Reaction of the Year." Really? That's kinda sad. I can only imagine Eddie's reaction when we get our first positive test results. I picture my father-in-law literally falling over. I bet the day I tell my mom I'm pregnant I'll hear her scream for joy - not through the telephone receiver, but out her front door, across the Atlantic, echoing off the Alps, and in through my window.
I saw Eddie chatting with some old acquaintances across the hall. I waved for him to come over to hear the "good news" (Rachel, be nice, delete those quotation marks, it is good news...I can't) but he was in the middle of a conversation. I just wanted him to come be next to me, to take my mind off of it for a milisec., but he put up one finger and mouthed "one second." And then I knew I would be alone with pregnancy talk for the next half hour or so. My mind drifted during convo. I tried to focus and be polite but I think it's a defense mechanism that my brain does. Things get blurry around me and I go to another place in my head.
Her - "We weren't even trying. I stopped taking the pill in July and we were pregnant just 3 months later! Blah blah blah go eff yourself Rachel blah blah blah"
Me - "Mmm." ::polite nod::
Actual thought - "I should probably call my grandma tomorrow."
Her - "It's just so weird being here and not drinking but I know it's the right thing to do. Blah blah blah blah is it ok if I keep smacking you in the face for the next 30 mins, Rach blah blah blah"
Me "Right, right, of course." ::smile::
Actual thought - "I should have went grocery shopping today. The stores are closed tomorrow. Europe is irritating."
As we left the wrestling match I told Eddie the parking lot looked icy and I needed his arm and I linked mine in his. The parking lot was slick but I actually needed him to help me because the tears were starting and my vision was getting blurry. Not a good combo in heels. I focused on his arm. How strong it felt and how, even through a sweater and thick winter coat, I could feel his bicep. I love when he wears cologne. I thought about how tall he is and just in general how much I love him. It was a cold night but next to him I always feel warm.
I managed to keep the snot in my nose as we walked to the car. I did a three second ugly cry face as I turned to reach for the seat belt but managed to get it together again once I faced forward. It was night so I hid in the darkness and let the tears stream down as we drove home. At some point, I accidentally sniffled and I felt Eddie look over. Shit. I froze and looked out the side window. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing." I lied. I saw that we were entering a village and the streetlamps would soon illuminate my face. I knew he would see me crying in a few short seconds. He kept looking from the road to me, to the road and then back to me again. Aaaannddd...the waterworks started. My lip and voice shook as I told him someone else was going to be a mommy before me and it just feels so lousy. I tried to keep the hard crying to a minimum because I knew I needed to be conscious of his feelings too. I told him I was sorry but I need to be really sad for just 5 minutes.
I said other mean things like "They're not even married!" and "She's 12 weeks already so that means she drank during her pregnancy!" They were the only negative things I could think of even though they're not that bad at all. Those happen all the time but I was searching for something to make me feel better. I wanted to verbalize the injustices of it all but to whom? I don't know. I did some quick math and stated "Oh, well, good, at least I won't have to see her growing belly throughout the months. Next season the baby will already be here."
Ed told me not to be upset and rubbed my shoulder and hand. He said "It doesn't make me feel good to see my woman cry." I focused on his words and smiled. No other guy could say the things that Eddie says and still come off so adorable. If I heard someone call their wife "my woman" back home, I would be like, weirdo! But it's Ed, and he is an angel and he still has an accent in English and when he says it I swoon. I didn't talk much the rest of the drive and just focused on his words and his presence. "I like his thumb, his thumb nail is so wide. Why does he push the buttons on the radio with his middle finger and not his index finger?" I closed my eyes. Ed woke me when we arrived home and told me to hurry up to bed. He said he will walk the dog and meet me upstairs. I was thankful to have some time alone. I have to make this man ("my man") a dad in 2014. I just have to.
Germany vs. America
241. Garbage disposals do not exist in Germany...I can not even BEGIN to express my frustration!
242. If a German ever asks you for "mirror eggs" just say ok, and make them sunny-side-up ones.
243. As everyone knows, "Speedo" bathing suits are a lot more popular in Europe but mainly/unfortunately for older generations. The young, fit guys wear swim trunks like American guys. I recently bought Eddie Nike swimming briefs and he looks great in them! Now if only the fat men with the big hairy bellies can stop wearing them...
244. At some pools the men are highly encouraged to wear such bathing suits. They absorb less water and the pools lose less when the people get in and out...allegedly!
245. I have yet to see a lightening bug while in Germany. How said is that?
246. Cars that are popular in Germany that I never see in the States:
Peugeot (French)
Skoda (Czech)
Opel (German, now US owned?)
Fiat (Italian) ok I saw that on occasion back home.
Citroen (French?)
Alfa Romeo (Italian)
Renault (French?)
Dacia (No idea)
Seat (Spain?)
Etc. etc. etc., I'm missing a lot and Eddie is still sleeping and can't help me.
Seat and Skoda are sister companies of VW.
247. Eddie's family was amazed by all the "big" cars on our roads. We don't think anything of it back home, but a Ford F150 actually turns heads in Germany!
248. I already touched upon the radio stations in Germany in another blog and how the censorship level is low. To reiterate, I once heard Akynele - Put It In My Mouth on the radio...eeek! If only the Germans knew what was being said! Nicht gut!
249. Sometimes I can't watch YouTube videos because I now live in a "restricted country?" I don't know what that means but I've never seen that message come up while I lived in the States. GEMA needs to back up off of me.

250. Chemo patients are not instructed to flush the toilet twice in Switzerland. Hm, thought that was Chemo 101? Oh well. We all lived.