I see posts all the time about how parents of young children need to cherish the early years. They say that the time goes by so fast because the kids grow so fast. They can't believe their little one is walking or outgrowing 2T clothing or starting preschool. I'm not a mother but I see time flying by along with all of you...only from the outside. I remember when you got pregnant. I remember distinctly because I blocked you. (Sorry, not sorry anymore.) I remember your announcement because it coincided with a failed attempt of mine. Or maybe I remember the day you shared the big news with me because I foolishly thought we would be pregnant together. I imagined us pushing strollers along side one another. Better yet, I remember when a few of you met your husband! I remember you getting engaged and planning your wedding and saying "I do." You met your husband, got engaged, got married, and had a baby...all while I was trying so desperately for just the last part.
An old college friend contacted me about her struggles to conceive and she worded it pretty well. She said it was like she was "stuck at the starting gate." I felt the exact same way sometimes. It's as if an imaginary starting horn sounded and everyone took off running without me. We've been struggling for so long that people have begun double and even triple lapping us!
I see your little one growing and it makes me happy and sad at the same time too. Time is going by so fast. I never thought I'd be over 30 before I had my first baby. It's crazy to think we've been trying for over 3 years.
We tried again.
I know a lot of you have been waiting for another post but I didn't know how to word this one.
After our third failed attempt I had to wait for my following cycle...which decided to take about 50 days to show up. I mean why not toy with my emotions a little more, ya know? During the end of those 50 days I took 2 pregnancy tests because I've never been so late. Nope. Both negative. That'll show me not to get my hopes up like that again. Yea, I'm an idiot. Wanna know why it was so late coming? Because it was waiting for Mother's Day to show up. Mmm hm, it wanted to make a dramatic appearance on the day where I already feel pretty lousy but have to hide it for all the mothers I celebrate with on that day.
On Eddie's birthday we had one of our frozen embryos put back in. They called it a "blastocyst" because it developed for 5 days before it was cryopreserved (put in the deep deep deep freezer) from our last attempt. It was many cells at that point.
Ed and I had been calling it "Olaf!"
... get it? Because he was frozen! ;)

An old college friend contacted me about her struggles to conceive and she worded it pretty well. She said it was like she was "stuck at the starting gate." I felt the exact same way sometimes. It's as if an imaginary starting horn sounded and everyone took off running without me. We've been struggling for so long that people have begun double and even triple lapping us!
I see your little one growing and it makes me happy and sad at the same time too. Time is going by so fast. I never thought I'd be over 30 before I had my first baby. It's crazy to think we've been trying for over 3 years.
We tried again.
I know a lot of you have been waiting for another post but I didn't know how to word this one.
After our third failed attempt I had to wait for my following cycle...which decided to take about 50 days to show up. I mean why not toy with my emotions a little more, ya know? During the end of those 50 days I took 2 pregnancy tests because I've never been so late. Nope. Both negative. That'll show me not to get my hopes up like that again. Yea, I'm an idiot. Wanna know why it was so late coming? Because it was waiting for Mother's Day to show up. Mmm hm, it wanted to make a dramatic appearance on the day where I already feel pretty lousy but have to hide it for all the mothers I celebrate with on that day.
Luckily, this time around, I didn't have to be stimulated with daily hormone injections because we had frozen ones left over from last time. Instead of triggering my ovulation, we waited for it to naturally run its course. Seems simple enough...only I had to have my blood drawn every other day to monitor my hormone levels. Along with that, they had to do ultrasounds to observe my follicle sizes. Again, internal ultrasounds...I dream of the day of transabdominal ultrasounds! It was really important not to miss the day of ovulation because 4 days after that would be the transfer. It had to be timed perfectly.
(::yawn:: another day another dolla'...)
(I used to take smiling pictures with this stork, however, I'm beginning to believe he only hangs there to mock me.)
Ed and I had been calling it "Olaf!"
... get it? Because he was frozen! ;)
(Meet "Olaf" - 5 days old)
That's what Olaf looked like the day he was put back in.
This is what Olaf looked like 4.5 weeks later.
(Between the two X's - 7+1 weeks )
And two weeks after that! -
( 9 weeks + 1 day)
Ladies and gentlemen around the world,
(1 Samuel 1:27)
For I prayed for this child;
and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him.
(1 Samuel 1:27)
For I prayed for this child;
and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him.
I am pregnant.
I am pregnant.
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