Monday, January 28, 2013


My Girlfriends, Meine Freundinnen, Moi Druzja, Mis Amigas ... I touched on this topic a bit in my last blog, but what would you do without yours? Not even your close friends, necessarily...I mean how weird would it be to not even have acquaintances anymore? Sure, it may have its perks the beginning, I never had to worry about going out of the house looking like crap. No one really knew me anyway! It's very daunting when you realize you have to start all over again with the basics..."I have 1 sister and 2 brothers. My birthday is..."

Admittedly, I was a bit nervous coming to Germany when it came to meeting friends. I knew I wasn't going to be working at first and even the plan of meeting Germans at church fell through. Even though I had visited Germany 17 times prior to moving, no one really took the time to get to know me. In fact, there was even a girl here that didn't like me! (You know who you are. ;) If you're somehow reading this...Hey HEY Hey!...still here and doing fine!) I always considered myself to be an outgoing, nice person but maybe there is a chance that I don't come off that way...hmmm, on second thought, naaah! ;)

Even though it took a while, I luckily met some pretty cool chicks. My first shout out goes to Lisa. Weirdly enough, I got to know her better through Teddy (our rotty pup) because she has Teddy's sister, Cinja. Lisa's English is basically perfect so it is such a relief when I get to speak English while we're together. She invites me out, over for dinner, and when the weather is nice, we go for walks with our pups. She also lives in the same village as me. (Yea, I said "village"...there are more horses than people here...population - 1,000). Through Lisa I also got to know Steffi...another sweet girl that has a rotty mix. I'm sure it's a sight to see when 3 broads are walking 3 rottweilers together! We also have BIG plans to start jogging together. Sabine, who has Teddy's other sister, Cuba, is another cool chick that I met through our dog club. For labeling purposes, we'll call them " My Rotty Girls."

Here you see (L-R) Steffi's dog Rina, Cinja, Lisa's other dog "Princess" Lilly, Teddy (pretending like he behaves) and LIsa's other dog "Miss" Hazel in the front. (Not pictured - us!)

Throughout the years I also got to know Eddie's friends' girlfriends. Eddie has had the same 2 friends for many years and they even flew all the way to America to be in our wedding. This group seems to accept me too. We'll call this group "My Germans."

(L-R) Ed, Dom, Kathi, Vanessa, Elena, Pina, Fabian, Gianluca, David, Lars, Steffi  (Girls not pictured - Lorena & Irina)

Next come "My Russians." This group consists of about 10 girls that, unfortunately, live about 50 minutes away from me near Freiburg. Despite the distance, I meet up with them at least once a week. We get together and watch (the German version of) "The Bachelor"...ok we actually just chit-chat the whole time but I swear the TV is on the right channel! Sometimes Eddie and I drive up there again on the weekends to go to the movies or celebrate a birthday. I met these girls at Eddie's first wrestling match after I moved here (Sept. 2011?). They were instantly accepting of me. Although it was my first time meeting most of them, Eddie has known a few of their boyfriends/husbands for many years. Perhaps that is another reason why we clicked - almost half of them are already married (or engaged to be) and one couple is expecting! It feels good to have people around you that are at the same stage in life as you.

Me, Katja, Elena, Rosa, Marina, Alexandra, Katja, Julia (blinking, sorry!), and Valentina (Not pictured - Sabrina)
(Side note: My name is the only one that doesn't end in an "A" & Alex, Sabrina,and I are the only non-Russians)

This picture was taken at Rosa's bachelorette party. I remember I felt so special to be invited not only to the wedding but to this event as well! Even with knowing them under a year, they still included me! Elena is getting married in August and asked us 2 weeks ago if we all wanted to be part of her big day. She will have two official bridesmaids but the rest of us will have some small role and we'll all be wearing the same style dresses...if we can only agree on one! ;) Again, I was very humbled to receive such an invitation. I let her know that I don't want her to feel like she has to include me. I'm well aware of the fact that I haven't been part of the group that long and if she had to make cuts, I wouldn't mind being the first to go. Later that night Elena sent me a text message - "Du gehörst zu uns!" which means "You belong to us!" in German. They have all been friends with each other for so many years...some of them are relatives, so for them to say I belong means...a lot! For so long they have all been one unit. I really don' t think they understand what their support and friendship means to me after such a huge change.

I recently lost a friend I held close to my heart. Well, I suppose I should clarify...she willingly left my life, she didn't die (not literally) chill. I will easily accept the loss of a false friend replaced by the gain of a dozen + true ones. For hard times will always reveal true friends...and by "hard times" I mean "election season!" :) My friends back home deserve a post all their own in the future!

These next women are perhaps the most important for me here and need no introduction! Ok...well maybe they do (for those of you that don't know me well)....Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you - Four Frau Fricks!
Olga "Mama Frick" (mother-in-law), Olivia, Elisabeth (sisters-in-law), Yours Truly

Hopefully, I'll be able to add a new group of friends to the list called "My Nurses" ::gulp:: We'll see soon enough! 

God has blessed me by bringing each one of these women into my life. Never take the women around you for granted. You have no idea the wisdom and power that comes from simply being in each others' presence...until you move to another hemisphere.

I shall part with this - Should you meet someone who is it from a different department at work, a different city, or a foreign kind and be accepting. It's not easy being new!

Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers for by doing that, some have entertained angels without knowing it. - Hebrews 13: 1-3

Germany vs. America Facts

21.   "Cheers!" aka "Prost!" in German is important too. You must look each person in the
        eye when you tap glasses. If not, it's disrespectful. I think I try so hard that I overdo
        it sometimes...I focus so hard that I open my eyes really wide and try not to blink! I
       probably look creepy!

22.   German radio stations are different too. They don't have hip hop stations, rap and
       r&b, or stations designated specifically to "Today's hottest music." There is just a
       hodgepodge of music on a select few good stations. I like our stations better.

23.   Whoever does the calling in Germany, pays for the call. The recipient of the call
       endures no charges. It kinda makes sense but, then again, I'm sure you have people
       calling, letting it ring once, and then hanging up so that the other person has to call
       back. Or maybe that’s just what I would do! ;)

24.   Germans say "Ciao!" too. It sounds like the Italian word but it’s spelled "Tschau!" They
       only use it when saying goodbye though.

25.   My favorite German sound is the "pf" sound. (No, not the stereotypical "ch" throaty
       sound). It’s pronounced like it’s spelled. Pfeffer - Pepper. Pfanne - Pan.

26.   The longest word in German that I know is "selbsverstaendlich." An 18 letter word for
       "of course." However, according to Wikipedia, the longest German word is
        "Rindfleischetikettierungsueberwachungsaufgabenuebertragungsgesetz" meaning "Beef
        labeling supervision duty assignment law." Germans are all about compound words.
       Don't worry, just 65 letters long...

27.   The two dots above the German letters ü, ä, and ö is called an “umlaut.” Eddie
       didn’t even know that.

28.   Sadly, when I tell people my boyfriend/fiance/husband is German I get the ever-so
       educated question:
        "Is he a Nazi?!?"
        ..."Yea, how did you know? I just got done sewing the swastika on his jacket last
       I know, I know, it's meant as a joke, and I can take a joke. The point is, people don't
       realize that Nazis do still exist, much like how white supremacists exist in America.
       Let's not forget that the Nazis were responsible for killing over 11 MILLION
       people...that number may not even include children. Please don't suggest that I would
       ever date/marry someone of the sort...

29.   The bedding in Germany is different too. King size mattresses in Germany are usually
        just two twin mattresses next to each other. I like the call the crack in the middle
       "The Grand Canyon."

30.   There is the fitted sheet and then a down comforter. There is no flat sheet before
        the top blanket. The pillows are big, square and down too. When making the bed,
        they fold each piece in half and lay it back down in the designated spot. I think both
        American and German setups are comfy...but the mattress thing in Germany is

(Note: Not our bed...thank goodness)

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